
About ezenotes
Absence of Good Quality Study material for every student with lack of online storage and sharing solutions for teachers.Sharing through social media platforms can lead misuse of notes, tracking of previous notes.Hard manual process in conversion of study material into Hard copy. The current situation demands a unified platform that brings teachers, students and merchants together online. EZENOTES comes up with a simple ,unique and robust web platform with college based segregation of quality notes, where teachers can upload their study material and any students can access and print the notes. It comes with some very handy features like options to privacy ,security,ownership,notes sharing,monetizing,hassle free order leads for merchants with an ability to get print orders on the platform with merchant linkage.
How It Works

Get huge collection of high quality study materials to prepare for your exams.

With a single click, see your work reaching many students.

A fully automated software that will talk to teachers and students that helps you increase your revenue.

Why ezenotes

Easy Upload
Simple and easy study material uploading and sharing option.

Easy References
One stop destination for the students for all their reference.

Flexible Print order
Ability to place print order in the platform and merchant linkage.
See How it Looks!!!
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Teacher Dashboard
Student Dashboard

Merchant Dashboard
Library Section
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