

    About airpetgo

    Lack of easy access to trusted pet service providers and difficult for pet service providers to find their customers. Airpetgo, mobile application is a platform that comes up with a simple, easy-to-use platform for pet service providers and pet owners with an objective of non-exhausting way to take care of pets.It comes with the wide variety of features like personal profile for a pet, owner, service provider, search for best nearby service providers with segregation of pets.Apart from this there’s a lot of flexibility possible that helps in appointment tracking including the service request acceptance/deny according to their convenience, hourly pricing and calendar schedule.

    How It Works

    Search Pet Sitter

    Pet owners can search for nearby pet sitters with the best price, reviews, and star ratings.

    Set Appointment

    Pet sitters can maintain the profile based on the type of pet he/she wants to care for, hourly pricing and scheduling calendar appointments.

    Pet Sitter Approval

    Once his/her profile has been shortlisted by the pet owner, pet sitters can accept the service request from pet owners.

    Why airpetgo

    Rating System

    Sort Pet Sitters based on the Rating system

    Easy Filtering

    Helps customers in finding the right pet sitters.

    See How it Looks!!!

    Owner Home Screen

    My Pet Screen

    My Reserve Screen

    Sitter Home Screen

    Jobs Screen

    Calender Screen


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